Sunday, May 30, 2010

May 30, 2010

Well, here is it, the last Sunday in May, finally beautiful weather outside, just in time for the Memorial Day weekend... we have been having a very wet and cold spring here in southern Oregon so far, and the warmth and sunshine are most welcome! I am feeling good about the rhythm of writing this blog once a week. It seems just right.

I have been thinking of so many things lately. Here's a sample: What can I personally do today and tomorrow to honor Veterans in a way that feels authentic to me? ** How can I express my grief about what is happening with the oil spill in the Gulf in a healthy way? What can I do to help this situation? ** How do I choose a counselor to help me with my currently inactive but still present tobacco addiction? ** How can I increase my self-discipline, so that I do those things each day which, if I did them, would increase my experience of health and well-being? ** Should I move my family back to New Mexico? What is right/best for my daughter? ** When would be the best time for my CD release party, and where should it be held? ** What kind of healing arts training do I want to pursue, and how? ** And - relentlessly - How can I lose the weight I gained from quitting smoking this winter? Why do I have such a struggle accepting myself as I am?

My mind is kind of like a merry-go-round... each one of these subjects is a painted horse, and as I watch the wheel turn I see one flash by, then the next, then the next... but I am not able to isolate and study just one of them at a time. I guess I need to make a deal with the guy in the center, and ask him to turn off the carousel: then I can focus on a single "horse" at a time!

Song quote of the day: Life is like, a merry-go-round, painted ponies going up and down, music takes you and your gone again, crazy circles never seem to end. Oh I, will face the sun, leaving shadows far behind, and together we'll go on, through time..."
Crazy Circles
by Bad Company

Ceremony quote of the day: " Whatever you want to do, get clear with that, and make your decision... do not wait for a sign, for something outside of yourself to tell you what to do... and then the prayers can go to the Spirit to help support the best outcome of that decision." Medicine elder, Winter 2009

Book quote of the day: Become a Belly Breather! " When you breathe fully, your heart slows and you feel calm and peaceful. The breath is the single most vital tool for attaining a sense of peace and calm, helping to eliminate the effects of stress. Most of the symptoms of aging are related to a deficiency of oxygen at the cellular level... Ultimately, the trick is to relax and remember to breathe from your abdomen.... Inhale and place your fingertips lightly at your lower abdomen and feel this area rising with your breath... After practicing for awhile... you will find yourself taking deep abdominal breaths throughout the day, and this alone will contribute to your health."
The Healing Voice by Joy Gardner-Gordon

Thought for the day: Sending love and prayers for healing to the waters of the Gulf of Mexico, and all our waters... the prayer below is from Prayer of Water written by Joan Brown, osf, Ecological Ministry of the Social Justice Office, Archdiocese of Santa Fe:

Oh compassionate God, Creator who breathed over the waters we seek forgiveness for our mindless use of water. We beg for wisdom to know how to conserve and cherish water, We ask healing for the ways that we disrespect and contaminate our sister. In this drought time we wait and watch for the gift of rain upon earth. We watch and wait for the rain of grace into our souls. Come free us from hatred, greed, fear, and our lack of love for your gifts upon earth. Transform us into living streams of water flowing green and moist with life, hope and love for earth and all peoples.

With love,
Harmony Sue

1 comment:

  1. This is a comment from a friend, from Face Book

    Much Love & Wisdom in your words and quotes
    I look forward to all future entries
    I Love you...
    //00\\Mike Highsmith
